Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Plans Do Go Wrong...

So the plan was done, to the minute details - although just in my mind.

How wrong can it be....

Here was the plan.
Leave Muar on the AidilAdha evening to reach Kangar on the evening.
Drive leisurely, and does not exceed 5pm before finding a place to sleep.
Reach Bangkok latest by Monday, the 1st Dec. Route on maps were planed.

So what went wrong?

To start, the misses had a fever the day before Eid. And driving back to Muar on the eve of Eid was a challenge by itself. It took a good 5 hours, of what would normally takes 2 hours. We reach Muar at 3 am. That gets me a bit drowsy the next day.

Next, I underestimated the power of NurKasih. Half the crew insisted on watching the final episode.....

So we were already a day behind schedule before we even starts.

What a plan....


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