Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Why trouble with the Road Trip

I too am puzzeled why we took the trouble to do this road trip. There are reasons.

As mentioned, our eldest daughter will be on her last semester once the new semester starts. After that, I would expect she would have a totally different calender, which would be harder for us to manage.

Then it was because I had been working extra hours, that I had almost negected the kids, had only seen them on weekends. Some quality time required. The long journey, locked inside a car would certainly encourage that.

And driving is almost second nature to us. With our second already got her license recently, she would be too eager to try it. Trying it in another country would certainly be a thrill. And we have our fair share of driving in other coutries. We toured half the western europe countries in 2003, and again in 2004 and covered the whole of the British Isle.

And finally, it's economics. It's cheap.

Reasons not necessary in that order.....


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