Friday, June 06, 2008

Jumpa Janda Lama

I let her go 3 months ago. She had been faithful to me for so long, but when it's time to go it's time to go. So I let her go. But today, our path crossed again. While leisurely walking to the Masjid for jumaat, I was got distracted by the view of this old lady. Her shape excite me as it always has. Then it occurred to me that it was HER. Took me a while to realize it. She looked better than when she was with me; but then as they say it, it's only when one is gone would you miss it....

And I met her new owner, a man much younger than I am now, who moments ago sent me an email to know her previous history. Much to my pleasure to share her story.

Here's her latest picture.



At 6:40 PM , Blogger Cherry said...

eshhhh kau ni. yang dah lepas dah lah. move on !

At 9:27 PM , Blogger leylo-_^ said...

cari janda baru maa..(BMW K1200 LT)
2nd hand punye baru RM 79,000..tu baru "move on" name nyer..



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