Thursday, July 24, 2008


As with most other Klang valley citizen, I spent quite a bit of my time in my vehicle, wasting it was in jams and uncessary diversion. Last monday in particular, the powers that be decided that the best way to avoid 1% of the population from demonstrating was to punish the other 99% of the population.

So what do I do in that "wasted" time in the car? Here's a list of what I did. I think these were some of the better way to productively waste my time.

1. Improve my motor skill
Sound impressive, but what I actually did was to practice buttoning my shirt. So you ask: didn't I learn that when I was 1 year old or something - or did they not invent button back then? Well, here's the challenge: button your shirt with only one hand.! Try that. And if you have conquered that skill, try knob your tie; one hand. That would be intereseting.

2. Compare my car with the next.
If the jam is more than 15 minues, I would already be really and truly bored. That's when I start comparing my car with the others - for no apparent reason. It always bothers me, how some people so much time, effor and money to their vehicle. To me, a vehicle is just a transport medium to bring from one point to another - in relative comfort. It always puzzles me, how some people would put extra unnecessary things on their car - some of which does not make much sense. It certainly does not make the car go faster (especially in the jam). I suppose some people just need reason to spend their money....

3. Watch what the other people are doing
If the jam is more than an hour, then I am truly and really bored. That's when I start looking at other people and what they are doing. If you are really observant, you'll be surprise to know what some people are doing. Quite a number of people are "gold-mining", if you know what I mean.

4. Practice on my mental arithmetics
I had done this for a while now, especially on long trips on the highway. It keeps me aware. Here is how it is done; most of our hiways are labeled every 100 meters or so. By keeping the speed of the car constant, try to calculate mentally how when (in minutes or seconds) when it will cross the next mile(km) sign. It certaily keeps me awake during long distance driving.

Any other ideas?
